The Town of Acton has begun the process of revising its Hazard Mitigation Plan (HMP). A municipal HMP documents the types of natural hazards that may harm the community, and details actions the town has taken and is planning to take to mitigate potential damage from such hazards. Natural hazards include flood, dam failures, drought, winter storms, tornados, thunderstorms, wildfires, earthquakes, and landslides. The current version of Acton’s HMP was completed in 2018. Updates are required on a five year cycle in order for a town to be eligible for Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) funding and hazard mitigation grants. The flooding part of the planning process is informed by Acton’s recently completed Stormwater Asset Management Plan.

The Hazard Mitigation Planning Working Group convened for the first time on February 28. The working group is led by Town Sustainability Director Andrea Beccera, Director of Public Works Corey York, and Noah Slovin, an Associate Resiliency Planner from SLR, an environmental consulting company. Staff representatives from most Town departments and the Acton Water District, and residents from numerous Town Committees and a few relevant community groups fill out the Working Group. There will be public events later in the year to solicit input and feedback from a broad set of members of the Acton public.
Kim Kastens represents Green Acton on the Hazard Mitigation Planning Working Group and is a Board Member of the Acton Exchange.