April 29, 2024 Select Board meeting: Longer than a marathon

April 30, 2024
Graph of spending projects from FinCom for the next several years. The projected shortfall goes from 0 in the FY 2025 to $3.38M in FY 2029 (projected).
Acton Finance Committee - Budget A spending projections. Graphic: Acton Finance Committee

At the November 6, 2023 Select Board meeting, the Board approved a reorganization that created a Health and Human Services Department. At the April 29, 2024 Board meeting, Town Manager John Mangiaratti introduced Penny (Penelope) Funaiole, Director of Health and Human Services. Ms. Funaiole, who assumed her role as Director on March 4, 2024, will head the Council on Aging, Veterans, and Health & Family Services, including the Acton Nursing Service, Community Services, and Public Health, as described in the reorganization document.

An initial discussion of leasing of 19-21 Maple Street by the Acton Food Pantry was held at the March 4, 2024 Select Board meeting; and Ms. Lisa Gordon, the Director of the Food Pantry, returned to present a detailed plan. Ms. Gordon reviewed the plan, and emphasized the increasing demand for the Food Pantry’s services. Questions from the Board concerned details of the plan including building modifications and parking, possible access to the commuter rail station, and possible community use of the space. The Board unanimously approved a motion to approve the proposal from the Acton Food Pantry for the use of 19-21 Maple Street pending successful negotiation of the lease.

Finance Committee (FinComm) chair Christi Andersen presented the FinComm’s Fiscal Year 2025 (FY2025) Point of View. This presentation was the evening before the Town election, and Ms. Andersen outlined the FinComm’s financial scenarios with or without passage of the override. Contrasting the town’s and the school’s reserves (money that is like a household’s emergency fund) she said that the town was in a relatively good position, having some spendable reserves, but that the schools had very little reserve capacity. She reminded the board, and the public, that there is a long list of capital projects (repairs and maintenance, like a household’s need to fix the roof) that should be done in the near future. Ms. Andersen closed by emphasizing the need for ongoing attention to financial matters and suggested formation of a new group to accomplish that task.

Ms. Andersen returned to review a proposal from the Finance Committee to the Select Board, that would postpone Town Meeting consideration of the MBTA zoning Warrant Article 12. The discussion returned to many of the issues that were raised at the Special Town Meeting of April 17, 2024. Ms. Andersen reminded the Board that the role of the Finance Committee is to provide the Board and the Town with its informed opinion on the likely financial consequences of the Board’s decisions; and that, at present, there are known unknowns that prevent the Committee from rendering its informed opinion. Board members countered with pragmatic rebuttals, briefly reviewing the various services that would be demanded by an increased population, and citing work from other boards and departments. In the end, the Select Board declined to postpone the MBTA zoning Article.

The Select Board had earlier discussed adding Acton as a signatory to a letter to be sent to Governor Healey opposing an expansion to Hanscom Field airport. The Board reviewed a resolution as well as the letter, suggesting changes. Public comment was uniformly opposed to the expansion, as it was at earlier discussions of Hanscom Field. The Board unanimously approved a motion to revise and reconsider the letter.

Briefly noted: The Board reviewed a report from the Town Engineer concerning potential pedestrian hazards near the Infant and Toddler Center on Central Street; and discussed prioritization of roadway projects. The Board approved a letter of support for the revised Open Space and Recreation Plan (OSRP) plan that was described at the Board meeting of April 12, 2024; and Assistant Town Manager Thom Begin announced that the Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) had approved the plan, making Acton eligible for various grant funding. Town Moderator Jo-Ann Berry discussed Town meeting logistics, and the Board approved a new contract for Town Manager John Mangiaratti. Finally, Select Board member Fran Arsenault regretted the departure of Mr. Pat Hearn from the Agricultural Commission, and noted that Mr. Hearn was going to start a farm.

Hearings: Dawn (Eve) Aguiar and Tamara (Murray) Deluzio, proprietors of Eve & Murray’s at West Acton Villageworks, were granted an All Alcoholic Beverage Pouring License for their new venture, Silver Girl, to be located at 251 Arlington Street. Jason Williford of Advanced Auto Sciences at 140 Great Road, Acton renewed a Class 2 auto dealers license.


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