Acton’s first and only woman Fire Chief Anita Arnum will be speaker at the Acton Woman’s Club’s Wednesday, September 10 meeting. Club members will enjoy a light lunch at 11:30am, followed by a short business meeting before Chief Arnum takes the floor.
Chief Arnum was appointed Fire Chief in October 2023. As Deputy, Arnum was already the highest-ranking woman in the history of the Acton Fire Department, and is the first female to serve as Chief.
According to a Town announcement, “Arnum began her career with the Acton Fire Department as a full-time firefighter in 1989. She was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant in January 2012 and named Captain in March 2017. She was named Deputy Chief and Town Emergency Management Director in November 2020.
“Arnum has a Bachelor’s Degree in Microbiology and Chemistry from UMass Amherst, and a Bachelor’s Degree in Fire Science from Anna Maria College. She is also a graduate of the Grants Management Certificate Program from Management Concepts, and a graduate of the Chief Fire Officer Training Program at the University of Massachusetts Donahue Institute.
“Arnum is a state and nationally registered paramedic, a member of the State Hazmat Response Team, and a member of the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s National Search and Rescue System. She is also certified in numerous technical rescue fields, and is qualified as an instructor/trainer in EMS, hazmat, firefighting, and technical rescue.
“Arnum helped guide the Town of Acton through the COVID-19 pandemic, providing testing, vaccination clinics and procuring difficult to obtain personal protective equipment for firefighters.
“She is also known for fostering positive relationships between town departments and the community, and constantly seeks out opportunities for the Department to train, grow, and work with other communities to stay at the forefront of technology.”
The nonprofit Acton Woman’s Club hosts monthly lunches, social/cultural events, and interest groups such as Mah Jong, Bridge, Book Group and Wine & Dine. The brick-front building at 504 Main Street has been Acton Woman’s Club’s home since the 1920s. Any woman who lives or works in Acton or a surrounding town may join the Club. It promotes fun and companionship, in addition to helping the community in a number of ways. For an invitation to one of the monthly luncheons, leave a message at 978 263-5275 or email at awc01720@gmail.com. To learn more about the club, go to its website.
Marion Maxwell is a long-time member of the Acton Woman’s Club and a member of the Acton Exchange board of directors.