Acton staff and electeds learn and win an award at Connect 351

February 1, 2025

This past weekend, several elected and appointed leaders of Acton’s government attended the annual conference, newly named “Connect 351” and in a new venue, hosted by the Massachusetts Municipal Association (MMA). The number 351 is a reference to the 351 towns and cities in the Commonwealth. The MMA is a nonpartisan, non-profit organization with a mission that includes developing and advocating for policies that support and improve the effectiveness of local government.

The organization strives to fulfill its goals through public policy advocacy, membership education, intergovernmental relations, services to towns and cities, and more. Acton, like all the municipalities in Massachusetts, is a member. The annual conference features association business meetings, networking opportunities, keynote and guest speakers, workshops, and a trade show. Select Board members, the Town Manager, Assistant Town Manager, and several department heads attended one or more days of the 3-day conference at the Boston Convention and Exhibition Center alongside another 1400 municipal leaders.

A group of people, all Acton employees or elected officials, stand under a Connect 351 sign.
From left to right – Acton Health and Family Services Director, Penelope Funaiole, Fire Chief Anita Arnum, Select Board Clerk Alissa Nicol, Select Board Chair Fran Arsenault, Director of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, Wanjiku Gachugi, Assistant Town Manager Thom Begin, Director of Acton Libraries, Maria Palacio, Select Board Member David Martin, and Town Manager John Mangiaratti. Photo: Connect 351 attendee

Noteworthy announcements from Connect 351

During the General Session, it was announced that the Town of Acton was awarded a Kenneth E. Pickard Municipal Innovation Award in recognition of our Clean Energy Coaching Program previously reported in the Acton Exchange.

A man with grey hair and mustache holds an award to the town of Acton. He stands next to a large poster that says Municipal Innovation Award and highlights both Andover and Acton.
Select Board Member and Energy Coach David Martin holds Acton’s Municipal Innovation Award. Photo: John Mangiaratti
Two women, one blonde, one curly black hair hold a white board that says #Why I serve in the corner. Their response is "To make Acton a happy place to live, work, play."
Health and Family Services Director Penny Funaiole and Director of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Wanjiku Gachugi share why they serve the Acton Community. Photo: Courtesy of Penny Funaiole

During the General Session, Governor Maura Healey and Lieutenant Governor Kim Driscoll addressed the members, sharing news about the administration’s FY26 budget plan, a Chapter 90 bond bill, a transportation investment plan, and the Community One Stop for Growth program. Both acknowledged the fiscal challenges facing every community in the Commonwealth, and expressed gratitude for the strong partnership between local and state government.

Two women, one with short hair wearing an orange jacket, the other with longer black hair wearing a blue jacket, stand in front of a podium.
Governor Maura Healey and Lieutenant Governor Kim Driscoll addressing the MMA. Photo: courtesy of Krista Guenin/Krista Photography

During the Massachusetts Interlocal Insurance Association (MIIA) Business Meeting, CFO Martin Jackson announced the FY26 pricing, including an overall rate increase for the Health Benefits program of 14.8%, with a range from 9.9% to 19.9%. Acton is a new subscriber of MIIA’s health benefits for both town and school district employees, and our rate will not be known until sometime in February. MIIA is a nonprofit organization that provides insurance services to the cities, towns and other governmental entities in Massachusetts that are members of the MMA.

During the MMA Business Meeting on Saturday, members voted onresolutions put forth by the various policy committees:

  • A Resolution Supporting an Enduring Fiscal Partnership Between Cities and Towns and the Commonwealth in Fiscal 2026 and Beyond.
  • A Resolution Supporting a Local-State-Federal Partnership Toward a Robust Multimodal Transportation System Across the Commonwealth that Supports Thriving Communities in the Age of Climate Change.
  • A Resolution Supporting the Modernization and Efficiency of Local Government.
  • A Resolution Supporting a Local-State-Federal Partnership to Address PFAS Contamination, Fund Remediation, and Protect Public Health.

All four resolutions passed.

On the final day of the conference, Town Manager John Mangiaratti, already serving as an MMA board member, began service as the elected president of theMassachusetts Municipal Management Association (MMA).

A man wearing a suit and tie speaks into a mic at a podium.
Town Manager John Mangiaratti addressing the audience after his election as president of the MMMA. Photo: Penny Funaiole
Two groups of people in a room. One group stands behind a table, another group is at a podium.
Town Manager John Mangiaratti (far left) participated in a panel discussion on the final day of the conference, “Making AI Your Partner in Local Government.” Photo: Alissa Nicol

Alissa Nicol is a Select Board member and frequent contributor to the Acton Exchange on community events.


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